DOCTOR DAVID SCULLY'S SIBLING, mark (the middle one), aka "NEEDLES."
Meet the middle brother, mark, aka "Needles." Dr. David Scully was the youngest, and his sibling mark was born almost 5 1/2 years before him.
The first spouse of mark referred to him as "the schemer." His two kids agreed and called him that too.
As Doctor Scully was growing up, he knew mark as a figure evoking sympathy.
They were far enough in age that they lived separate lives with separate friends, going through the stages of childhood at different times.
Doctor Scully developed a "live and let live" relationship with this older sibling, but as Marty McFly says of Needles in the video below, Scroll down
"What?! You think I was stupid enough to follow that asshole!?"
the st peters college "Pershing Rifles" crowd
Doctor Scully happened to visit mark in Topanga (Hippieland) CA
on a Memorial Day Weekend, and mark was one of the leaders (ALWAYS HAD TO BE LEADER} of
Though mark was not wearing a ballerina's tutu in the let's-mock-Memorial-Day-parade THAT year,
mark proudly boasted having done so previously. Doctor Scully merely stated to him that
Memorial Day was a day to honor the memories
of those who sacrificed their lives in our wars.
In 1968 mark graduated from the st peter's jesuit college and volunteered for combat duty in VietNam - to be a war hero -
and hence, perhaps, to equal or surpass bobby, the oldest sibling (who went to West Point).
With six people, there are 120 different possible one-on-one interactions.
With four people, there are 6 different possible one-on-one interactions.
These numbers go way up if you consider interactions of "groups", as in
the older two interacting with the younger two
the oldest three interacting with the youngest, and so on.
Hence, the youngest gets much, much, much, more interpersonal interaction in the family than the oldest does.
Hence, the oldest might seem somewhat dim-witted and less flexible in his inter-personal interactions,
whereas the youngest might be smarter, or seem more clever and flexible and a "quicker study."
In fact, my mother often re-counted story of how bobby learned to climb stairs, as a toddler.
For the longest time, he never even tried to climb stairs, and so was quite delayed in that skill,
but one day, he just went to the stairs and did it the first time without repeated trials, and mastered it the first time.
So, she was making a virtue of a vice, which she always did with the never-wrong bobby,
while, for example, she would always make a vice of a virtue with everything regarding my sister.
The Oedipus themes were not hidden in our family.
The oldest boy, bobby, was made to be the father and the god-like figure of the family, who could do no wrong,
while my mother HATED my sister (jealousy?).
My father and my sister had a simpatico relationship.
My mother always fought with my father, and my sister often repeated a conversation she had with our mother.
She suggested to our mother that the family split, and that she and I would go with "daddy"
and bobby and mark would go with her, mother.
Our mother held up bobby as one who could do no wrong - like Hitler, "the Fuhrer could do no wrong".
But about a decade ago when I visited mark, I mentioned the famous family issue
where our relatives accused bobby and mark of destroying the train set of their young son.
My mother often indignantly brought up this story, outraged that bobby could be accused of such a thing,
"to think - that BOBBY could be accused of doing such a thing!"
I always thought that it had to be true that they did it, because there was no other reasonable explanation for the destruction of the trains,
but neither my father nor I ever DARED to say such a thing, or the plates and cups and saucers would be flying for months - forever, really.
But I mentioned the incident to mark (and mark was in his sixties by then)
and he whispered sneakily as if to a co-conspirator, "we did. but don't tell anybody).
Now, I could see somebody, when they're a teen, to tell you to keep quiet about it, because they were afraid of the consequences
for that very mean and senseless deed,
but, by the time you're in your sixties, you ought to fess up and apologize, and clear the air with the truth.
There has been much study of the importance of "birth order" and there is something to it, though it doesn't absolutely determine anything.
In our family in the 1950's through the 1970's, what was also of importance was how rapidly the United States was changing.
The oldest brother, bobby, was the generation of Eisenhower and Elvis. To exaggerate him in a negative way, he was life "Biff" the big bully
in "Back To The Future." He was strong, determined, responsible - typical traits of the oldest.
I was the youngest by far. The three eldest came in five years. Then, five years later, I came. I was a "mistake" according to my sister, i.e.,
I was an unintended pregnancy. The oldest position led to being strong and responsible. The youngest position made one "smarter."
That is, the oldest had less people in the family and, hence, less interactive stimulation.
As the youngest by far, I was "the baby" and the object of attention and the source of entertainment.
That September, Doctor Scully entered that same st peter's jesuit college and that same ROTC program with the same supervising Army Sergeant.
After a few months the Army Sergeant approached Doctor Scully in formation and asked him why he didn't join "The Pershing Rifles" military fraternity.
Doctor Scully replied that he didn't want to and the Sergeant asked him to come see him in his office later.
When Doctor Scully arrived, the Sergeant spoke directly,
"I don't think your brother will make a good officer, and I told him so, but I think you will. Come and talk to me anytime." Doctor Scully thanked him.
In Viet Nam, mark was fully or partially responsible
for the slaughter, by helicopter gunship,
of 19 U.S. Soldiers who were crossing a river by boat.
Think Oliver Stone's movie, "Platoon". What a nightmare I imagine it could have been to be in mark scully's platoon.
And mark had a propensity or habit for turning on people, betraying them. I remember in particular his classmate named O'Toole
who was in ROTC with him and The Pershing Rifles military fraternity at st peters college. He was unusually handsome.
I remember hearing discussions between mark and our mother because mark was angry at O'Toole for his lack of devotion to the cause, or something,
and mark was going to turn him in or report on him or something, and my mother didn't seem to favor that action.
But that was typical mark. His first wife, Sandy, called him "the schemer." That's what his children told me. I think they agreed.
And mark couldn't drive from point A to point B without instigating a road rage incident with someone.
On one such incident I had to get out of the car to calm him down, and he turned his rage on me.
Being five and a half years younger, I refused to get back in the car with him and our mother (he was showing off to her)
and I walked on the highway down in the Shore area and took buses home, arriving in the evening.
When all the family and relatives were driving down the NJ Turnpike, going to Philly to the Army/Navy game,
mark was driving and a Navy family drove by, waving with happy excitement.
He cut them off and almost killed everyone in both cars.
When he was a senior at st peters college and the seniors were putting new pledges to "The Pershing Rifles" military fraternity Hell Week,
they took the pledges to a wooded reservation in the hills behind South Orange NJ, where we lived.
After a while, they came to the house in a state of excitement and urgency
and one of the pledges had a medical patch over his eye.
That's because mark had tossed acid in his eye as part of the hazing and initiation, so they'd just come from the hospital.
He tried to frame me in several different entrapments. One time it was that the first wife, Sandy, said she wanted to do a threesome.
That left me feeling quite uncomfortable, but later I think he was just testing me, but I didn't appreciate that.
He bragged about having sex with his statuesque step-daughter, and once when I visited he tried to entrap or frame me with a sex crime with her.
Another time he tried to get me to sell tickets at an event they were doing, but there were no tickets.
He gave me the "tickets" but no ticket were required, and it was an attempt to frame me for fraudulently selling fake tickets.
Years earlier, when my mother had me visit him in Germany after his Vietnam tour, to "straighten me out" I guess,
we were visiting another officer, and he was trying to arrange a sex orgy with that officer's wife, which he frantically waved off.
I wondered whether my brother expected me to play a part in that. I was a virgin practitioner of yoga.
He was always just very weird and strange and devious and creepy.
He once gave reasons for not staying in the army and for not going to West Point,
but the fact his the reason for both was that he didn't have a choice.
My mother was adamant about having me follow bobby's steps into West Point, and she dragged me to the Congressman's office to interview for the appointment.
The Congressman asked me if I wanted to go to West Point, and I replied "no" and my mother almost got us both killed by a truck on the drive home
because she couldn't believe it when I told her and she was so frazzled and upset and kept asking me if that was true and she wouldn't believe me.
But that was the only way I could deal with her. Once I had said that to the congressman, there was no way she could continue the effort.
But for mark, it was never even considered. He was a creep.
In his senior years, he commented to me "I'm just as good as you and bobby," but he wasn't, quite honestly,
but it showed the resentment and competition he felt all his life.
In retrospect, he really was trying very hard to get me in trouble, but I found it to be so unbelievable that I just didn't really believe it.
But he was such a slick schemer, he could be phony right to your face, and he could "act" and "pretend" to be the good one.
Anyway, I don't want to continue with this here. It belongs in its own chapter, which I've partly already written, but I'm to busy to find it now.
I think part of the problem was that, compounded with his existing shortcomings, his timing sucked.
He graduated from st peters college in 1968, after the My Lai massacre had just occurred, unbeknownst to anyone, a few months earlier in March.
Also, I think the Tet Offensive had occurred in January of 1968, with a lot of bad videos on tv of injured US soldiers.
The campus unrest was spreading in 1968 throughout the country, and the arguments were compelling that we were the aggressor nation
attacking and killing and slaughtering Vietnamese, and getting US soldiers killed, for no good reason.
The Democratic National Convention in Chicago and its street violence was in August, 1968,
the shootings at Kent State were in 1970.
in May of 1970 was the Hard Hat riot on Wall Street where the construction workers attacked students protesting the Kent State shootings and the Vietnam War.
and the massive anti-war protest in Washington D.C. was in 1971.
But mark went to Officer school in the summer of 1968 and was cluelessly unaware of ALL of this,
especially the revelations in November, 1969, of the horrific My Lai Massacre in Vietnam.
But mark knew nothing of these rapid sea-change events that shook the nation while he was in the army and Vietnam.
When he came back, typical of him, he put his finger to the wind to find which way the wind was blowing,
and decided to become the world's greatest hippie in Topanga with his California wife that he met in Germany.
He was a pretty shallow guy.
When he returned to the states, mark put his finger to the wind and decided that being the world's greatest hippie was the way to recognition.
Sexual inappropriateness was part of mark's behavioral repertoire.
When the oldest, bobby, was in Viet Nam, mark contacted bobby's wife and offered to satisfy her...ahem..."physical needs."
That's the way Doctor Scully heard it.
As a result, bobby's wife never spoke a word to mark, ever, and bobby didn't speak a word to mark for over 40 years
when they conspired to take and share between the two of them all of their dying mother's assets.
Among mark's many other character faults, one was to "project" (a term from psychology) on me faults of his character
(such as his sex related bad, inappropriate behavior). It was also just a plain old-fashioned attempt to equal or surpass me
by trying to bring me down, i.e., character assassination. He joined the pack of hyenas from sacramento.
How and why he and my sister in SoCal, 400 miles away from sacramento where I was, I don't know.
I certainly didn't track their lives. I think they had a sense of ownership over me as their "little brother"
and they didn't like it that I didn't think well of either of them and certainly did not play the "little brother" role
Of course, bobby never spoke a word to the sister, Bernadette, ever since they were teenagers
and the big hushed-up family secret there was bobby's sexual activity (whether just groping, or up to intercourse - I don't know) while she "slept."
And, though Doctor Scully sporadically contacted each of his three siblings through the years - he considered it the healthy, normal thing to do -
bobby told Doctor Scully not to contact him, to which Doctor Scully replied that he would contact him whenever he needed to. Scroll down
But that's the kind of aloof, isolated bully bobby was.
He was the oldest by far, and the dominant male offspring, dominating and bullying and/or ignoring the younger two male offspring,
and sexually aggressive to the female offspring.
He got the lion's share of the family's money - first, from the inheritance the mother got from her father
much or most of which was spent purchasing bobby's appointment to West Point,
and secondly, when the mother died and bobby, as executor, split all assets between himself and mark with whom he finally temporarily allied for that very purpose.
It was not out of character for him to behave as a bully toward his younger siblings and his mother. Scroll down
Note for you psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers etc.
34 secs. "deep in the recesses of my brain, a tiny red hot little flame began to grow..."
54 secs. "something had happened...a fuse blew, and I had gone out of my skull..."
but I have to explain to you here that
ACTUALLY a tiny red hot little flame did NOT begin to grow in Ralphie's brain...
AND a fuse did NOT blow in Ralphie's skull...
AND Ralphie did NOT go out of his skull.
Now, the rest of my readers will be wondering WHY I am explaining the obvious...
THEY all know that these are just literary techniques, literary expressions, metaphors,
but you effing asshole dipshits have proven that YOU CANNOT BE TRUSTED
so it HAS TO be shoved out there in plain daylight into your faces.
Similarly, when a writer says "a little voice in my head" they are referring to the concept of "the conscience,"
or perhaps to the concepts of the "good angel" whispering in one ear, or the "bad angel" whispering in the other.
These are just expressions to set a mood or to express thoughts that a person was having.
For example, instead of saying "and then I thought" or "then the calming thought came to me that..."
a writer might write "but then I heard a calming little voice in my mind say..."
And you god-damned well know that, you effing punks,
and you should be imprisoned and de-certified and fined and sued up the yazoo (another expression)
for blatantly lying and pretending that such expressions indicate one "hears voices" in ANY pathological sense.
Except for a little bit of good science from Pavlov and Skinner about how to train dogs and killer whales,
your entire field is simply FANTASY.
I MEAN - Freud? = give me a break! id? ego? superego?
The Lord of The Rings
Harry Potter and that whole world
Star Trek
Star Wars
Dungeons And Dragons...
There are so many fantasy worlds that people get immersed in...
The whole comic book series - take your pick, batman, superman.
And religions - every one of them is a fantasy, and an excuse to commit genocide.
I was at a Veterans Administration facility in El Paso TX,
attempting to pursue a Veterans's Disability monetary claim
which, apparently, they only offer to moron veterans who currently and enthusiastically support their latest genocide.
The boy who was at the computer, with access to more information about me than I've ever seen,
Indeed, that was practically equivalent to being selected as man-of-the-year for the Engineering Department of 600 sailors,
because the award was not awarded any other month that year, as far as I know.
This stupid, silly little boy at the VA facility, who was processing the paperwork for the monetary claim
had his little office plastered with posters and paraphernalia all about BATMAN.
During some chit-chat, as he was filling spaces on forms on the computer,
he chattered, admiringly, about some of the mental disorders that BATMAN displayed,
as if those mental disorders made BATMAN who he was - the great warrior against crime and injustice.