JD clealy "won" the debate. He showed Americans his competence, preparedness, intelligence, and likeability, and moved the campaign forward significantly. Good job! "A Prime Indicator of FRAUDULENT VOTING IN THE 2020 ELECTION."

Jay Valentine INDUSTRIAL LEVEL FRAUD 2020 election

Jay Valentine is on until 14 minutes, 15 seconds. At 18 min, 44 sec the show has an amusing, quick summary. I recommend you start at the beginning, but skip to 1 minute, 47 seconds if the introductory show noise annoys you too much. Don't be mystified by the term, "INDUSTRIAL LEVEL." It simply means "massive or large-scale" as opposed to "one item or small-scale" which is sometimes called "retail level." For example, if you go to your favorite grocery store (often called a retail store) and purchase one small bottle of dish detergent, THAT is "a retail level purchase." On the other hand, if you take a tractor truck with a 53' semi-trailer and sneak up to the dish detergent warehouse at 3 a.m. when people are sleeping and nobody's looking, and stuff the trailer to its maximum capacity with pallets of dish detergent (almost 50,000 pounds), THAT is "INDUSTRIAL LEVEL" theft of dish detergent. And, if you have co-conspirators throughout the country in seven states doing the same thing at the same time, and in each state you have one or two, or up to ten tractors trucks and trailers being stuffed with dish detergent, that's large scale "INDUSTRIAL LEVEL" theft of dish detergent. And if, instead of dish detergent, you are loading the trailers with fake biden ballots and hauling them to voting locations to be counted, and possibly taking some backloads of valid Trump ballots to the dump or to incinerators, THAT is massive, big-time FRAUD, INDUSTRIAL LEVEL FRAUD, INDUSTRIAL LEVEL ELECTION FRAUD. GOT IT? GET IT? GOOD! SCROLL DOWN
Why is the mainstream committed to Election Fraud Denial? They continuously make false, unsubstantiated denials of the 2020 election theft. Well, they've weaponized the government. Sidney Powell was charge with seven felonies and she pled to misdemeanors. That's the nasty way the game is played. They give you a "Hobson's Choice" of either felonies that will ruin your life forever, or a slap on the wrist with misdemeanors. So, I would say that the reason we haven't heard from Sidney Powell, Jay Valentine and others this election cycle is because the legal system has been weaponized and they were attacked. Sidney Powell was sentenced to 6 years probation. How cleverly convenient! Probably the terms of her probation are that she not talk about election fraud - past, present, or future - so they shut her up for this cycle because Presidential Elections are every 4 years. Putin says Trump guilty verdict was political SCROLL DOWN
If you listen to Jay Valentine's interview on the radio and to the accountant who came on after Jay Valentine (at 14 minutes, 15 seconds or so) you will hear him say that fraud investigators identify crimes by statistical methods. To that point, Peter Thiel once quipped (paraphrased) "you win an election with 60% or 70% of the votes - that's really good. you win an election with 99% of the votes - you're in North Korea!" Extremely unusual results are a red flag. In a democracy, getting 99% of the votes is virtually impossible in a large sample. If you watch the YouTube video (above, with Giuliani) about 2020 election fraud in Pennsylvania, you will see that the 99% situation was in play. They call it "mathematically impossible." Theoretically, ANYTHING is possible. But, if you buy one lottery ticket every week for ten weeks in a row, and win the super top prize lottery every week, that's VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE! Let me give you another example in real life here, recently, in The United States, where an Industrial Scale financial crime was uncovered by using routine statistical investigation. THE MADOFF PONZI SCHEME FRAUD, UNCOVERED BY MARKOPOLIS, USING ROUTINE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SCROLL DOWN
Fraud investigators identify crimes by statistical methods. That's how Markopolis uncovered Madoff's Ponzi Scheme. Markopolis knew after 5 minutes of statistical analysis that Madoff was a fraud, and it took Maropolis 4 hours to prove it. Markopolos uncovers the Madoff Ponzi Scheme but nobody listens to him (see the two videos, below)

MAKOPOLOS said that
such such a return stream
"simply doesn't exist in finance."
(3rd Paragraph)

numbers DIDN'T ADD UP!
(4th Paragraph)
Click this link and count down 10 paragraphs and you get this, Charles J. Gradante, co-founder of hedge-fund research firm Hennessee Group, observed that Madoff "only had five down months since 1996", and commented on Madoff's investment performance, "You can't go 10 or 15 years with only three or four down months. It's just impossible." SCROLL DOWN

"gaslighting" means trying to trick people into thinking they're crazy. It's a form of psychological abuse. psychobrat stevie wartgo was assigned by the fbi to gaslight me at Manuelito School in Gallup NM but it was obvious to me, so he couldn't do it. I don't like the use of the word "gaslight." It is a trend, a practice, in this country to use words which are not understood by most people, but only understood by cliques. The normal, commonly understood meaning of "gaslight" is "the light given off by a gas flame." Most streetlights used to be gaslight. Now, this trendy, esoteric use of "gaslight" takes a different meaning from the title of film noir movie, "Gaslight," in which the villain tried to convince a person that they were crazy. Easily understood synonyms for "gaslighting" are MANIPULATING, DECEIVING, FINAGLING, HOODWINKING, SWINDLING, HEAD GAMES, MIND GAMES, PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE
synonyms for "gaslighting" The last, or almost the last, question the moderators tried to trick Vance was about the 2020 election. They said that all 50 governors certified the votes. However, more than half the country, Vance, Trump, and I all agree that the election was stolen. It can't be proven, but it can't be proven that it was fair, either. This is where the synonyms for "gaslighting" come into useful and enlightening play. Now consider the words DECEIVING, HOODWINKING, SWINDLING. They mean YOU BEEN HAD YOU BEEN TRICKED YOU BEEN SWINDLED and, by definition, those words and phrases mean they did it in such a way that it'll be hard or impossible to PROVE. THERE ARE MANY DIFFERENT STANDARDS OF PROOF. In the case of the election, these standards (and there are others) come to mind for me 1. was it typical or was it strangely, oddly different? (i.e. "something funny's going on here") 2. "Cui bono" or "who benefits." "cui bono is a principle that suggests that someone who has something to gain is likely responsible for an event or act." SCROLL DOWN 3. Math, Statistics, Probability. "What are the odds...?" For example, "the reason that there's $100,000 sitting on my table wrapped in rubber bands like the $100,000 that was sitting on your table an hour ago, also wrapped in rubber bands space aliens came down and stunned me (but I could still see what they did) and they took your money and flew away...and the money on my table is just money I had stored in my mattress that I had wrapped up like that." We can see that in standard 3 example, all three standards are addressed, NOT TYPICAL, WHO BENEFITS, and how probable is it that SPACE ALIENS CAME DOWN and did it? 4. Motive, Means, and Opportunity are also consideration when considering malfeasance (fancy word for wrong-doing or crime or election fraud). SCROLL DOWN
WHY AM I VERY CERTAIN THAT THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN? Well, on election day in November, 2020, I had to drive North, leaving El Paso and heading to Middletown, Pennsylvania. Late at night (let's say around midnight), I stopped at a convenience store that had a tv on with the news channel on and with election results coming. Trump was ahead ... not by a little. It wasn't a nailbiter. Trump was ahead and was on his way to victory. By morning it had flip-flopped DRAMATICALLY...hmmm a. that violated number 1., above. That was strange, oddly different. b. cui bono. who benefits? the Democrats d, that also answers standard 4., above. The Democrats had means, motive, and opportunity by planning it ahead. They had just shown their adeptness at coups that summer, when Bloomberg (on a Thursday, I believe) told all the other Democratic Presidential candidaates that they should withdraw to prevent Sanders from winning the nomination. By Monday they had all withdrawn. Boy oh Boy! Does that ever fit 1, 2, 3, and 4, above! And then, of course, immediately there were believable reports of 3 a.m. shenanigans with votes thrown out by the boxload in trucks, and new boxes of votes being sneaked in by the truckload. It all fits in with a pre-plan to have just enough votes to win, by hook or by crook. AND, A I RECALL, THE BALLOT-DENYING AND BALLOT-STUFFING ALL HAPPENED IN THE BATTLEGROUND STATES, DIDN'T IT? In other words, this was a pre-planned, military-type operation (like the fbi exploding phones in little girls' ears, blowing their heads off the fbi, of course, blows up little girls because the little girls won't have sex with them). So the Democrat machine planned for this contingency and at 3 a.m., as planned, executed the plan in the battleground states, throwing out Trump votes and mass-producing biden votes. That's the gist of it but, in the fog of the war, many other aspects remain unanswered. Why the hell on earth do we have these votes calculated electronically when, instead, we could count and recount and recount the paper ballots as many times as we wanted and prosecute and imprison anybody and everybody involved in their mishandling. Then it became a nightmare of madness in our legal and court system that Americans don't trust The courts were politicized in county after county, state after state THE COUNTRY CHICKENED OUT BECAUSE OF THE CONTINUOUS, UNANSWERED, WOKE VIOLENCE IN THE STREET AND THE HARASMENT OF CONSERVATIVES AND THEIR FAMILIES A RESTAURANTS, SCHOOLS, AND HOMES. DON'T YOU REMEMBER? SCROLL DOWN The supreme court refused to hear the Trump challenge, "they raised the white flag." HOW PATHETIC! We have three branches of government. Two are in turmoil and we go to the one for justice AND THEY CHICKEN OUT! THERE WERE CLEAR, OBVIOUS SIGNS AND QUESTIONS ABOUT CHEATING BUT THE DEMS AND THEIR WOKE STREET OPERATIVES MADE THEM TO AFRAID TO DO THEIR JOB! THEY COULD HAVE, AT LEAST, HEARD THE CASE AND AIRED OUT ALL THE ASPECTS. SCROLL DOWN


But primarily, it was statistics. I'm a math teacher. I was always good at math. Statistics and Probability work. That's why they take polls over and over, and take they seriously. When you flip coins, you're going to get about 50% heads and 50% tails. The more you flip, the closer the percentages come to 50/50. You flip 2 coins, you could easily get 100/0 or 0/100 You flip 4 coins, you could get 100/0 or 0/100 but it would take more tries. You flip 100,000 coins, you're getting 50/50 almost really, really close. So, when I saw how DRAMATICALLY the votes shifted, UNUSUALLY, STRANGELY overnight I realized right away that was quite improbable. You know, the guy nobody listened to, who blew the whistle on Madoff the big fraudster, said that he knew in minutes that it was a Ponzi Scheme. It was simple math. So the math alone said it, but you also had the Means, Motive and Opportunity as Bloomberg and the Democratic Machine had proven with the Sanders coup. Now some in the lamestream media are gaslighting us (tricking us) and some in the media are clueless and have been tricked themselves. But we know what's up, and now you've doubled down with the hoodwinking which only makes us more certain. I mean, for goodness sake, you just tried to assassinate Trump twice. YOU'VE PROVEN OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER...THAT YOU'LL DO ANYTHING ANYTHING ANYTHING TO KEEP TRUMP FROM BEING PRESIDENT!


So, stop with your false claims that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. It clearly was.


YOUR MAGNIFICENCE, Please allow me to serve my Prince by responding to this pestering pest's persistent prying, pondering protests.
SCROLL DOWN If I may, Q. Do I believe Trump lost the 2020 election? Q. Do I believe Trump lost the 2020 election? Q. Do I believe Trump lost the 2020 election? Q. Do I believe Trump lost the 2020 election? Q. Do I believe Trump lost the 2020 election? ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. SCROLL DOWN THERE! I ANSWERED THE QUESTION 5 TIMES. HERE, I WILL ANSWER IT AGAIN 5 MORE TIMES. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. SCROLL DOWN THERE! I ANSWERED THE QUESTION 5 TIMES. HERE, I WILL ANSWER IT AGAIN 5 MORE TIMES. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. ANSWER. I do NOT believe Trump lost the 2020 election. I BELIEVE THAT TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION. Furthermore, I believe that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the American People by pre-meditated planning, deceit, and nefarious actions. I believe that, after stealing the election, the biden/harris administration weaponized the government to silence critics, protesters, and truth-tellers. There. I have taken it upon myself to answer for The Magnificent JD Vance Very Humbly, David Scully