I'm worried that the fbi might "discover",
that on my phone that they stole ...

that they might "discover" that
I like to dress up in silk, polka-dot underpants with little dancing elephants
when I start feeling "frisky."

Shakira, what ... wanna watch?!

Oh, no!
ADD March 9, 2024 car inspection, auto sales Highspire also, electrical repairs El Paso at alameda auto electric OK then, let me tell you about the fbi stealing my phone. Here's what happened. I did a brief workout at the hummelstown/hershey PA Planet Fitness Sunday afternoon and I couldn't find a phone when I got home, so I called Planet Fitness and the employee, josh, quickly located it because I told him which two machines I had worked out on and because the phone was easily identifiable with a big number "2" painted on the back because it is my second phone. They were closing in a few minutes, at 7pm on Sunday night, so I said thanks and that I'd pick it up in the morning. In the morning, josh was there at the check-in counter and he went to the office for the phone, and I waited and waited and waited and waited and waited. Then he came back out and said that they gave the phone to someone else, and that they had just called him up and spoken to him, that he was a Planet Fitness member and they had his phone number. josh said that person was at work and that he'd bring it back in the evening and said I could come back in the evening and get it. I said I could go to where that person worked and pick it up but josh said they couldn't give me that information. I reluctantly said alright and proceeded to do a brief workout. But, after a few minutes, it came to my mind that it was a shady story they were telling me. Anywhere you go, be it a fitness place, supermarket, fast food, discount store, or wherever, there is ALWAYS a standard procedure to ask the person to describe the object. What color, what size, what initials, what markings, etc., and, in the case of a phone, of course, what is the phone number? and then dial it. But here, on Monday, they did not, and they just gave my phone so someone else. Furthermore, if it was just honestly incompetence that day on the part of Planet Fitness and if the person was legitimately seeking a lost phone, then he would have recognized immediately that my phone was not his phone. Once again, my phone has a big, 3-inch-high number "2" painted in white paint on back of the phone. Also, wouldn't the person also do a quick check, pushing the button and glancing at the screen. But, very strangely - unbelievably, in fact - ALL of these preventative measures were not in place, and added to that was the sheer "coincidence" that, in the very brief time my phone was there, that someone else just happened to leave their phone and to come to retrieve it.


"How", you might wonder, "did the fbi know I left my phone at Planet Fitness overnight?" Easy. They were eavesdropping or audio-recording Sunday night when I called Planet Fitness to find out if I'd left my phone there. In fact, that's further evidence that THEY HAVE ME UNDER CONSTANT, snooping, UNCONSTITUTIONAL, intrusive, PRIVACY-INVADING SURVEILLANCE.