March 27, 2025


Gilbert Doctorow corrected himself on Substack - at 3 min, 54 sec
he meant "victoria nuland" not "hillary clinton" -
not yet charged with war crimes, nuland was
Assistant Secretary of State under killary, and
instigated regime change in ukraine in 2014, leading to war.

March 19, 2025
Peskov, "The World Is A Lot Safer Now
Than It Was Before The Call Was Made"
two calls so far, Feb 2 and March 18



It Should All Be Over By Now

I'm talking about the child-molesting-slaughtering-crushing-burning-starving fbi Deep State pedophile sex perverts who kill and chop up and burn little Gaza girls.
Me? I don't do that. Never did. Never will. I love children - little boys, little girls, students - I don't crush 'em up, burn 'em, eat em, dismember them. DEEP STATE COMPLIANT NEW MEXICO SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS - THAT'S their OBSESSION.



The fbi stole my phone 02/19/2024

Snooping, Spying, Peeping Sneaks, "FISHING EXPEDITIONS"

FISHING FOR embarrassing/humiliating items, BUT
BUT fbi deep state just HUMILIATES THEMSELVES Peeping Tom Perverts SCROLL DOWN BUT fbi deep state just HUMILIATES THEMSELVES Peeping Tom Perverts

It Should All Be Over By Now

I'm talking about the American war of aggression against Russia, using Ukraine as a proxy (a substitute), that the U.S. began in 2014 when potty-mouth victoria nuland, who was the asst secretary of state to killary clinton, SCROLL DOWN helped overthrow the ukrainian government. SCROLL DOWN

U.S. asst secretary of state
victoria Nuland conspiring
with Geoffrey Pyatt,
U.S. ambassador to Ukraine,
discussing details of
regime change - overthrowing
Ukraine govt in 2014.

From 2014 to 2022, the Ukrainians
bombed eastern Ukraine
which was inhabited by
Russian-speaking Ukrainians.
That means that the U.S. bombed
the Russians in eastern Ukraine
because we gave them the
weapons and money to do it.

It is likely that the U.S.
engaged in a MASSIVE military
buildup and preparation in
Ukraine during those eight years
evidenced by reports of many
biolabs in Ukraine
near the Russian border.


It is still not well known
what happened there
between 2014 and 2022,
because of lack of media coverage
of any kind - reliable or not,
but here is a link  
There were over 14,000 PEOPLE killed

I was very aware of what was
happening in Ukraine in 2014,
but I wasn't aware of any news
from there for the next 8 years.
I assumed there was no activity
to speak of in Ukraine,
as news outlets were
not speaking of any,
as far as I noticed.


potty-mouth nuland testifies (3/2022)
U.S. BioWeapons Labs in Ukraine
along Russian border!?
article in "The Guardian"

"NOT ONE INCH EAST" was promised
The Practice of
Informal Agreements prevented
nuclear war in the
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
The wars that I WAS following were the 8-year war against Trump and endless anti-Trump media frenzy, and the never-ending Deep State war against me, especially the entrapment/framing conspiracy against me in gallup nm in 2016


The Abuse, Intimidation, and Assault Began 2 Hours After I Entered The School - Before Lunch On The First Day Of Teacher Orientation. In Retrospective Analysis, It Was Clearly an fbi Deep State Conspiracy to Entrap, Frame and Destroy Me. THE HORROR OF THE KNIFE ASSAULT MORE LINKS TO COME ON THIS and the endless deep state surveillance and harassment and interference in all my activities, especially trucking jobs. In 2019, one such trucking company then in existence ("ghost" companies that come and go are a problem), named "All In Trucking" in the Chicago area, dispatched me directly into the "bomb cyclone" of 2019 in the Amarillo region, despite my objections that it was not safe. There were indications, during orientation, of deep state connection (note 1) to that company and I believe it is because, just a few months earlier, I had written an Open Letter and Complaint to Governor Martinez of New Mexico, recounting the criminal, conspiratorial behavior against me by the gallup school district. (note 1. ALL trucking companies have "deep state" fed connections because trucking companies are highly regulated by federal laws and institutions and those companies are scared sh*tless of them) Again,On March 14, 2025, 3 days ago, winds flipped trucks and trailers in Amarillo, Texas When it comes up and I tell my story to people about how the deep state fbi and other agencies have spied on me and harassed me for decades, they (reasonably) ask me why they would do that. I really don't KNOW for sure. I can only guess their motives and what they think, so I feel torn between responding with the angry, short, elevator-pitch outburst vs. the long narrative of my life, especially since 1982 when I "wrote the Limbaugh script" at sac state. SCROLL DOWN HOWEVER, IT IS CLEAR TO ME THAT THE HARASSMENT GOT WORSE, SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE, AFTER I ATTENDED MY FIRST WORLD RUSSIA FORUM IN WASHINGTON, D.C. IN 2011. Here's the backstory on that, and I'll try to keep it "elevator-pitch" brief. I fled California in 2006 because of political harassment. I'll skip that long story for the sake of brevity (I used the 2003 California Recall Election to tell my story about the significance of what I wrote and published at sac state in 1982 that Limbaugh imitated, and I did it in enemy territory - sacramento). I bought a condemned old building near Harrisburg PA in Middletown in 2006, and my welcome was lukewarm. Rather, it was hot and cold - a few friendlies, but most of the tub was cold water. The summer of 2010 I was on unemployment, and I used that opportunity to write my story AGAIN, motivated by the unfair trashing Sherry Sherrod got in the press, initiated by some guy at Limbaugh's sacramento station, kfbk. The story distorted what Sherrod said, making it seem she said the opposite of what she was actually saying. That's what they did TO ME also, regularly, and it pissed me off. So, in 2010, I wrote my ELEGY, which I now call "WHITE-GHETTO-CHILD ELEGY, The Truth Our Graduate Student." Pay attention to this next sentence. I wrote it because I was ALREADY experiencing spying and harassment from the deep state/fbi and I was feeling that leaving California was not going to improve my life because they would follow me EVERYWHERE, from Alaska to florida, ca to Maine. "Where could I go that would be friendly?", I wondered. Well, I'd made friends with Mexicans-Americans in california - we had in common being outcasts and underdogs. And also, I thought of the Russians. THEY would understand me if I told them my country was spying on me and harassing me. THEY wouldn't tell me that I was imagining it or tell me it must be my fault - quite the opposite. So, when I'd completed a rough copy of my online ELEGY book "The Truth, Our Graduate Student", I send a link to Diane Ravitch, and to the Russian radio station I'd heard of. I think it was Radio Today (RT). From Diane Ravitch I got an honorary doctorate, "Doctor of Education." From RT or Ed Lozansky or someone, I got an invitation to the 2011 Russia World Forum in Washington, D.C. I looked at the Program, and studied the biographies of the participants, and I was quite humbled. "KEEP YOUR EARS AND EYES OPEN, BE ALERT, AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" That was my advice to myself as I prepared to attend. But something made me really, really, really PISSED the day before the D.C. forum. I went to "Enterprise" car rental at Harrisburg International Airport, a short 1.4 mile walk down the road. I had already reserved a car and I had made arrangements with Enterprise to pay the required deposit because I didn't have a credit card, just debit cards. When I entered the building with all the car rental counters, I observed "a man in a dark suit" walking briskly to the "Enterprise" counter. He spoke for a moment to the fat boy there who nodded to him obsequiously (in a servile manner). When I walked up to the counter, the fat boy treated me like trash. He wouldn't rent the car, and he mocked my financial status. (One of the reasons I was in the habit of renting from "Enterprise" is because that is the aircraft carrier I was assigned to) I was on the phone in the Middletown PA library in the vestibule entryway, screaming and yelling on the phone at Enterprise. This would have been a nice, little, dirty trick to prevent me from attending the forum the next day. The deep state is like that. The Enterprise woman listened, told me I could rent the car, but the next day at the Forum the memory of the trick was still with me. At the Forum in D.C., I sat in the center, listened attentively, and at one point during a Q&A after a speaker, a young male shill with a smirky smile asked a question, preceding the question with insulting comments to Russia about Kalashnikovs, porn, stealing money from banks online - saying Russia had an image problem. He looked at me and smiled, as if I was on his team and would enjoy his insulting performance. I was ashamed and sort of humiliated - I was there to make friends, to network. Lunch came and went. A Russian speaker came up who was obviously timid - perhaps never spoke publicly, or at least never at such a high-powered gathering. He began with an awkward apology for Russia's image. This pissed me off - that the punk shill actually made the shy Russian speaker feel ashamed. After he spoke and his Q&A began, something moved me to action. I signaled for the mic, it was passed to me, and I spoke. As I remember it, it wasn't ENTIRELY unplanned, because I had been scribbling notes and ideas in front of me, which I referred to. My performance was mocking and sarcastic, delivered with determination, anger and contempt. Most people didn't know what I was doing until I got to the end part. My target was that punk shill and the deep state bastards who placed him there, like the bastards at Enterprise car rental the day before. I don't know how long I spoke. I started with a self-introduction and a brief bio. Then I got nasty and mean. I berated the people from New York down through jersey to D.C. as some of the most contemptible and loathsome IN THE WORLD. I announced that I had created a scientific psychological experiment in order to evaluate the current situation. Since there was no one available at the time to take this scientific psychological experiment, "I asked myself if I would be willing to participate, and I agreed to do so." (saying absurdities but delivering them in a serious, "professional" tone, thereby mocking the psychology industry, establishments, and conventional wisdoms in general). Everyone was off balance. They didn't know what the fluck I was doing. I begged their forbearance. I explained that the scientific psychological experiment was brief and would only take a minute to discuss. The scientific psychological experiment, I told them, consisted of saying the word, "Russia", and writing down what words came to mind. "And here are the results of this scientific psychological experiment," I solemnly announced. "I said the word 'Russia' to myself, and these are the words that I wrote down, WORLD CLASS BALLET OLYMPIC SKATING CHAMPIONS GYMNASTICS ROCKET SCIENCE WORLD'S BEST CHESS PLAYERS ... and as for the Russian boys stealing money from banks from their home computers ... well ... that's quite a talent" REMEMBER ... THIS IS Q&A, AND I'M SUPPOSEDLY ASKING A QUESTION. "It is clear, then, that the results of my scientific, psychological experiment DIVERGE SIGNIFICANTLY, 180 degrees from the comments we heard before lunch, SO MY QUESTION TO YOU THEN, SIR, IS



I passed off the mic to my Russian neighbor, and the American emcee caught the ball and responded to me for the new Russian speaker. Not long after, some woman worked her way over to me and sat next to me and started passing me brochures about events at The Russian Embassy. Later, I figured out that it was probably The Russian Ambassador's wife, Mrs. Kislyak. I should have attended some of those events, but I wasn't as smart as I am today. But the REAL reason was that I didn't have a car, due to the sanctioning and employment harassment for decades

Now Is The Time To Re-Open Our Embassies And Consulates And Restore Diplomacy


On Press TV, Gilbert Doctorow Discusses Russian-Chinese-Iranian Meeting in Beijing and Their Communication Regarding Sanctions On Iran Gilbert Doctorow summarizes, "My main point in the discussion is that presently the Trump Administration is very busy fighting on all fronts domestically and in relations with Europe while it roots out the Deep State and its policies of never ending wars. Otherwise its attention is primarily focused on ending the Russia-Ukraine war for the sake of a reset of global governance,, secondarily on preventing return of war in Gaza. Only after these issues progress will it be possible for Washington to devote due attention to reconfiguring relations with Iran." PRESS TV, MARCH 14 (Discussion starts at 1 min, 1 sec) INSIGHTFUL MINUTE (2 min, 42 sec TO 3 min, 53 sec), GILBERT DOCTOROW ON PRESS TV, MARCH 14, saying "YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THAT TRUMP IS IN THE MIDDLE OF A MASSIVE REFORM, A WRECKING BALL AGAINST INSTITUTIONS AND STRUCTURES THAT HAVE BEEN PUT TOGETHER IN THE STATES FOR 30 - 40 YEARS. HE IS TAKING ON THE DEEP STATE - DIRECTLY, GOING AT THE JUGULAR ... TO END THE COLD WAR ... TAKING ON AND FIRING THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN RESPONSIBLE FOR WARS, WHO HAVE BEEN DESTRUCTIVE OF DEMOCRACY ALL AROUND THE WORLD, AND WHO WORKED FOR USAID, WHO WORKED FOR THE CIA. THIS IS DRAMATIC. IN THIS CONTEXT OF A FIGHT TO THE END THAT'S GOING ON IN THE STATES, TRUMP IS USING LANGUAGE IN A WAY TO DISARM AND TO CONFUSE HIS OPPONENTS." SCROLL DOWN


By Initiating Citizen-Diplomacy With "Judging Freedom" (Judge Napolitano and Larry Johnson)

FULL INTERVIEW Napolitano and Larry Johnson with Lavrov
OSC def. Organization for Security and Cooperation
referenced by Larry Johnson above (1 min, 58 sec)

Those Darn Russians!
Evil Russians Always Thinking,
"There must be something really rotten
we can do today!" And they create
contests "I like being evil because..."
(in 25 words or less)
and Americans swallow it like
they swallow The Santa Claus Story,
swallow it like a whale, a big fish.

(start at min 22, sec 56)
We Have Created A Meme about Russians,
and we've never understood the Russians
"neocon" def. a conservative whose
foreign policy ideology is to use force
to change other countries, ostensibly
"for Democracy". first used in 1979
(In my "Elegy" I called myself an
"original neocon" but my meaning was
"a new conservative, reacting against
the counter-culture and childish
political radicalism of the late 1960s")

DIPLOMACY JD Vance Gilbert Doctorow David Scully

Deep Bench for Ambassadors, President Trump Gilbert Doctorow, fluent in Russian many decades (McGovern, too), LISTENS closely to The Russians and INFORMS US


To Reach The Unreachable Star!

"Ducinea" sweetheart, ladylove, truelove

They ALWAYS Get It Exactly Backward -
chutzpah, gaslighting
they can't help it any more.
 data column 4 
In the summer of 1969, I delivered a film to the hotel room of Sophia Loren on Fifth Avenue, just above 59th Street. I was working in the JC Penney Building on 6th Avenue between 52nd and 53rd Streets, in the mailroom at Joseph E. Levine's Avco Embassy Pictures. I was living that summer in Little Italy (now called SOHO) on Thompson Street in the apartment of my sister and brother-in-law, Charles Weldon, on vacation in France. He was Jewish and he arranged the job for me at an employment agency which was Jewish-owned I guess. I was sent to Sophia Loren's apartment as a boy toy, I think. That thought never occurred to me at the time. I was very naive and sexually innocent. When I was given the film, there was a certain way it was given to me and a certain way I was told whose room it was going to (almost with a wink). I should have rushed with enthusiasm and excitement, but I dawdled and enjoyed the walk up Sixth Avenue. When I got to the room, a man opened the door just enough to take the film, said something, and left me feeling I'd done something wrong. "I should have hurried, I thought. After all, this was Sophia Loren!" I didn't expect to see her, but I didn't want to offend her. She was one of the sex stars of the sixties, like Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Bridget Bardot and Gina Lollobrigida. I thought she was hot like those others and, going through my teens, I never missed a chance to see her in a movie on tv. Her career was still peaking when I delivered the film, as she starred in the above "The Man Of La Mancha" three years later in 1972.